AirScuplture: Fjord Transit (CD, 73:01); NH012, 1999 Neu Harmony/ Synth Music Direct PO Box 592, Sheffield, S35 0FE, UK Tel: 0114 2864 889 Fax: 0114 2864 890 email: or Website: or Finally someone has rediscovered the magic. Back in the early 70s, your beloved reviewer was in college at the University of Maryland. One of the joys of that distant era and dated locale was the wealth of prog, art rock, and electronic music available. “Head” shops/ record shops offered the best in trippy tunes and such paraphenalia. STOP. No, this reviewer was no head, did no drugs, but was a bona fide straight-up, nerd. But Lord knows I did the endorphin high listening to the right tunes. Anyone who knew the best of electronic music knew Tangerine Dream and Klaus Schulze. I can still see the cover of Rubycon rise from the record bins in my mind’s eye, the elation, the goosebumps, the price, $2.99. Enough of that nostalgia . . . T. Dream was magic. What’s left of the original crew and their collective vision has long since mutated into something far short of “magic”.On with the review. AirScuplture has rediscovered the magic. Even doing it all live, creating it onstage, sequences generated, scores developing and even the solos all scream, “Classic Tangerine Dream is back!” AirSculpture is trippy, skilled, fresh, innovative, and a must-hear band. This is sequenced/improv synths calling down a psychic Nirvana-buzz. For a time I thought Dweller at the Threshold reigned as the only T. Dream king of the classic sound but wait. AirSculpture has topped the hill. They are the next wave. They are the new T. Dreamers extraordinaire! Mirror, mirror on the wall – AirSculpture is the fairest of all. Just look at these titles and track times: 1. Fjord Transit (31.45) 2. Traditional Folk Music (16.24) 3. Gloria Mundi (21.47) You see they know their stuff as a real groove takes time to burn in the neuronal path. Who ever heard of a good 4-minute trance-trip session anyway? Come on now folks, get real. Interested yet? Well give AirSculpture a spin. I did and I was sold immediately. Great recording quality, great musicianship, great fun. This has been your synth and electronic jams guide . . . ~ John W. Patterson AirSculpture are Adrian Beasley, John Christian and Peter Ruczynski.
AirSculpture jams!
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